• Day 1  : 

        Anda akan dijemput di bandara/pelabuhan dengan guide yang bisa berbahasa Spanyol dan Inggris.

  • Day 2 : Halfday Sugar Loaf & Panoramic City Tour 

            Anda akan dijemput dari hotel antara pukul 08.00-09.00, tergantung dari lokasi hotel, lalu dilanjutkan dengan tour setengah hari dan panorama city tour. pertama anda akan berhenti di Katedral Metropolitan yang dibangun dalam bentuk piramidal dengan diameter internal 96 meter dan tinggi 80 meter. Berjalan melintasi Aterro do Flamenggo dan tiba di lingkungan Urca dimana salah satu simbol terbesar kota berada: Sugar Loaf, dan menaiki kereta gantung yang akan membawa anda ke Bukit Urca yang setinggi 215 meter dengan pemandangan teluk Guanabara dan pulau-pulau yang indah.

Day 3 : Halfday Barra De Tijuca Of Olimpic Park

             Tour ini akan menawarkan ke anda ide yang lebih baik tentang geografi dan topografi kota dengan pemandangan menakjubkan. Lalu dilanjutkan ke Pantai Barra da Tijuca, pantai terpanjang di Rio yang membentang lebih 18km yang akhirnya menjadi jantung dari Olimpiade Rio 2016.

Day 4 : Mengunjungi Patung Yesus Terbesar

             Anda akan sarapan pagi di hotel lalu berangkat menuju Patung Yesus terbesar yang berada di Rio De Janiero Brazil, tinggi patung Yesus tersebut yaitu 38 meter yang menghadap ke kota dan terletak di Gunung Corcovado yang tingginya mencapai 710 meter.

Day 5 : pulang 

              Setelah makan pagi anda akan diantar menuju ke bandara untuk kembali ke tanah air.

HARGA PER PAX : Rp 7.600.000



    Day 1 : Pusat laut dan Tanjung karang

              Setelah sarapan di hotel, menuju pusat laut, pusat laut merupakan objek wisata berupa sebuah lubang berbentuk sumur yang memiliki lebar 10 meter yang terbentuk secara alami dengan air yang jernih, makan siang akan disajikan disini. Tanjung karang merupakan objek wisata yang terkenal dengan wisata bawah lautnya dengan snorkeling anda bisa menikmati keindahan bawah lautnya.

Day 2 : Hutan Raya, Gong Perdamaian, tempat oleh-oleh

          Setelah sarapan, anda akan diantar ke hutan raya kapopo, wisata alam kapopo adalah wisata yang berorientasi pada pendidikan bagi pengunjungnya, anda akan diantar ke tempat tinggi uantuk menikmati pemandangan kota Palu dan mengunjung " Gong Perdamaian " dan anda akan berkunjung ke tempat oleh-oleh kota Palu.

Day 3 : Bandara 

          Setelah sarapan anda akan diantar menuju bandara untuk kembali ke kota anda.

HARGA PER PAX : Rp 1.500.000

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Kabupaten Bulukumba adalah suatu kabupaten yang terletak di provinsi Sulawesi Selatan,

Beberapa wisata bahari yang ada di kota Bulukumba ialah :
1. Pantai Tanjung Bira
2. Pantai Lemo-lemo
3. Tebing Apparalang
4. Pantai Kaluku dan sebagainya

dan wisata bahari yang akan saya jelaskan ialah Pantai Tanjung Bira Bulukumba

Tanjung Bira terletak di Sulawesi Selatan lokasi khususnya adalah Kabupaten Bulukumba yang jaraknya sangat jauh sekitar 200 km dari Kota Makassar, sehingga Tanjung Bira dikatakan sebagai ujung darat Sulawesi Selatan. Tanjung Bira bisa dikatakan sebagai senjata oleh masyarakat Kota Bulukumba karena Tanjung Bira merupakan senjata untuk menarik wisatawan lokal maupun insternasional.


Untuk menuju Pantai Tanjung Bira anda menempuh jarak sekitar 40 km dari kota Bulukumba dan 200 km dari kota Makassar dan anda juga bisa menggunakan bus travel seharga Rp 40.000 dan harga ini sebanding dengan perjalanan yang jauh.


Untuk biaya anda akan dikenakan biaya atau harga tiket ke Pantai Tanjung Bira sebanya Rp 10.000 per orang dan untuk wisatawan asing dikenakan biaya sebanyak Rp 20.000 dan anda sudah bisa menikmati indahnya Pantai Tanjung Bira Bulukumba.
Sedangkan fasilitas yang disediakan yaitu fasilitas menginap seperti Hotel dan sebagainya.


Untuk warga asing, biasanya liburan mereka kurang pas jika tidak mencicipi kuliner khas yang ada di Pantai Tanjung Bira Bulukumba contohnya Konro, dan coto dengan berbagai daging dan varian rasa pedas.

Oke teman-teman sekian dari saya tentang penjelasan mengenai Pantai Tanjung Bira Bulukumba.


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Hello guys

welcome to my  blog. I'm Jeri Mahayul, one of student of Tour & Travel business 3rd semester Makassar Tourism polytecnic.

on this  blog I want to share stories about marine field trips on the island of dutungan and the beach of paputo

On 4-5 October 2019, all students of business tour & travel study program in semester 3 of Class B made a trip to the island of dutungan located in the district of Barru and Paputo beach in the city of Pare-Pare. with the theme of 2D1N marine field trip. In the first morning we gathered in front of the Oranges building (GO) to do the roll out and distribution of ID cards and luggage tags by tour leader.

after that we immediately went to the first destination, the island of dutungan to fill the time during our trip participants one by one went up to the guide to provide some different information to other participants. when we arrived at the tanjung indah dock  we were briefed by one of the edvisors namely mam margareta before crossing to dutungan island. when we arrived at dutungan island we immediately replaced clothes to prepare for snorkeling and diving, but first we had lunch first.

after the activity was over we changed clothes and prepared to continue the journey to the Delimasari hotel in the city of pare-pare. when we got there we were directed to the hotel lobby to check in and get ready for dinner at the restaurant penyet ria chicken.
After dinner, we continued the activity, which was a presentation about the K3 handlers on the merine tour accompanied by entertainment from each group.

on the second day at 04.00 am we were awakened by friends who were given the task of morning calls. after that we get ready for morning excercise, that morning we jogged to the true love statue of habibie and Ainun in the city of pare-pare afterwards we returned to the hotel and prepare to check out from the delimasari hotel. then we continue the journey to the next destination, namely Paputo beach in the city of Pare-Pare, when we got there we continued observation while observing one of the residents there looking for sea worms and the way was quite unique. after the observation is finished we are given free time. after the activity is over we continue our journey for lunch on the teras empang resto . after that we continue the journey and return to Makassar tourism polytechnic . 

Alright guys that's it about my Marine Fieldtrip Repot, hope you like this blog and don't forget to comment this blog, byeee.
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Hi everyone this is me, my name is Jeri Mahayul and for the closer you can call me Jery, i’m from Bulukumba Regency and iam representative from Travel Business Study Program Makassar Tourism Polytechnic. Now iam going to explain my experience of Nature Tour in Toraja Regency, and i hope this blog can give you some unique information. So stay tuned.


                In day 1, we gather on Makassar Tourism Polytechnic to receive some invoice from advisor about what we have to do and what not we have to do.

                And then we heading to Kupa Beach Reastaurant in Barru Regency for lunch and enjoy thedelicious fish and variant fish in there like a crispy fish and many more and after that we are going to Bampampuang to take a Coffee Break and enjoy the beautifull mountain in Enrekang Regency that is Erotic Mountain.
                          After that we going to Indra Hotel to dinner and overnight.
Day 2 ( Full Toraja Tracking )

           In this day we are going from Indra Hotel to Meeting point to start soft tracking and go to Mentirotiku Reastaurant.

                In Mentirotiku Restaurant, we having lunch at there and we taste the delicious food in Toraja namely Pa’piong, and after that we doing Real Tracking its about 4 hour, wow my leg is so tired.

                        In Real Tracking, we visit place that’s sound creepy like Baby Graves and grave that never touch by human hand and then we go back to Indra Hotel to dinner and overnight.
Day 3 ( Toraja – Makassar )
                        In day 3 we going back to Makassar use the same way at the first day, but in this day we visit coffee make that popular around the world namely KAA COFFEE, in there we are invoice of how to make a perefect coffee, how to drink a coffee and many more.

                And after that, we going to Laki Padada statue and then go to Bampampuang to take Coffee Break, and then we going to Teras Empang in Pare-Pare Regency  to lunch and after that we going to see local bugis house in Barru Regency.

                After visit local bugis house in Barru Regency, we going to Roma Mall in Roma Regency and after that we go to Makassar Tourism Polytechnic and Tour is end. My experience about this tour is very amazing, we learn new info from some destination, we learn how to be a good guide, and i hope to you my friends  don’t let your brain, your eyes is tired to see something new, just learn it, that’s interesting.
Okay my friend, i think that’s all for me to explain the Nature Fieldtrip in Toraja Regency, i hope you learn something in my blog and don’t forget to comment my blog and share this blog to your friends.


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